We will be “streaming live” starting on December 5th through Dec 9th the Everett Farmers Market Holiday Live Stream with 15 vendors total, who will be participating one at a time.
- LiviJoy Hoops
- Good To Go Meat Pies
- Turtleworks Jewelry
- Lopez Island Vineyards
- Sage on The Mountain Soap
- Sam Fuego Hot Sauces
- The Hammering Man Jewelry
- Sea to Shore Seafood
- Kara’s Windchimes
- Rabbit Pantry
- Uniquely Design Jewelry
- Pete’s Perfect Toffee
- Tin Dog Brewing
- FinnRiver Cidery
- Paws With Cause

You will get to meet each vendor, see their products and then you can go to their website to order, to do your local holiday shopping.
Find the live streaming at https://www.facebook.com/TheEverettFarmersMarket and https://www.facebook.com/Holiday-Everett-Farmers-Market-879259372174373.
List of vendors will also be posted to the website https://everettfarmersmarket.com and on our youtube page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGqoiEvjbsm2sFtFtiFn4A