(Note Article was written by Joe Clark in 2021)
This past Sunday was a perfect Northwest day. Not a cloud in the sky. Warm but not too hot. So we decided to walk to Everett Farmers Market and take in a 30-minute shopping spree. We arrived at around 11:30 am (we like to go early) and I noticed that the weather app on my phone indicated it was 68 degrees. It gets no better.

The first thing we noticed is that there are more vendors and more customers than we’ve seen so far this season, especially for that time in the morning. Our eyes were immediately drawn to the berries from Hayton Farms. If one small container is good, then why not get a four-pack? Ours included fresh strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.
The healthy berries were a great choice but sometimes you just want some protein that can be fried for breakfast, or any other meal for that matter. Who doesn’t like bacon? If someone does not I have yet to meet that person. Knowing we have some space in our freezer we headed to Stoffel Farms to fulfill that desire.

Of course on a nice summer day, my spouse will tell you that there is nothing like freshly cut flowers to brighten up things around home. Teng’s Garden from Snohomish, WA had a nice array so we just had to pick up a bouquet. She’s right. Our place is much brighter than it was before we left for the Market.

At this point it was getting warmer. It may have even been up to 70 degrees, which makes this Northwest Washington native start to wilt. Ah, but there was a remedy: Iced coffee. There it was, as Blue Stilly Coffee Roasters had the solution for us. A great cool drink that we could share on our walk home on Colby Street.

As we were headed out to exit at Hewitt and Wetmore, I realized we were out of garlic. This is a near tragedy in our household as we tend to put fresh garlic in nearly everything we cook. But there was Frog’s Song Farms. Right there at the entrance/exit to help us with our garlic needs.

Upon leaving the Market, we noted that there seemed to be three times as many folks heading in than were leaving. I look at this as a sign that things are getting closer to normal in these times.

Finally, if you find yourself in the area surrounding the Market, check out the Everett mural on California Street between Funko and El Paraiso restaurant. It’s definitely worth a look!

Joe Clark is a retired Boeing Project Manager. He enjoys volunteering, writing, exercise, discovering new things in Snohomish County, and trying to grow the perfect jalapeno peppers at his Bayside P-Patch plot.